Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Why Not Work Out?

      I found this article from Men’s Health (through Yahoo) yesterday, called “The Most Dangerous Gym in the World’. With a title like that I couldn’t pass it by, but what I read was not what I expected.
Read the article here,

      This story is so powerful. These kids have it hard in Egypt, but to have a place to go, and someone to help and coach them into greatness is amazing. They willingly come to the gym and workout despite the adversity of being women or the people taunting and throwing rocks at them. If this does not inspire you to not only work out, but to be grateful for the things you have access to, read the article again! There are no excuses to not work out. I am going to go out and walk right now (haha, but seriously). I hope this inspires you as much as it did for me.

Live Healthy, 