Sunday, January 29, 2012


   There are so many great ways to replace some, not so healthy foods with things that are better for you. It can  be easy and fun too! I can not tell people enough to just have fun with food, try new things, replace things, and eat with an open mind.

   How many times do you just want a quick snack or have people come over in short notice, you need something to eat fast. It is always easy to just pull out a bag of chips or something out of the freezer. My go to snack or appetizer is chips and dip, I love salsa's, guacamole, hummus you name it! My first replacement comes from that love, instead of chips how about some veggies, and I'm not just talking about carrot or celery sticks(though there is nothing wrong with that), today for example I made a  guacamole salsa and I served it with sweet peppers. Which are just the perfect size for dipping!

   Next a good and easy thing that can be replaced is sugar, with Agave Nectar or honey. Agave Nectar is an all natural sweetener that comes in different "shades" or strengths, from light to dark. It can be used to cook with and it is also easy to sweeten hot and cold drinks because it is a little thinner then honey. I love to put it in coffee because it does not have as strong a taste as honey.

   Finally try replacing white rice or pasta with a new whole grain. Start small just try brown rice or whole grain pasta. Then you can branch out and try something like quinoa, that cooks just like rice and can be eaten in the same kind of dishes. As I stated in my Whole Grains post there are so many benefits to whole grains and just trying them.

Enjoy something new,

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Go Nuts

      I am sure with all the health crazes going on now everyone has heard that nuts are really good for you. But have you really thought about how it benefits your body to eat nuts? Nuts are great for you because they are high in Unsaturated fats(that lower your LDL, bad cholesterol), they are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids(which help prevent heart rhythms that can lead to heart attacks), Fiber and Vitamin E.

      Their are many kinds of nuts out there, and though they have some small differences they are all good and beneficial. As long as the nuts are raw, or just oven roasted they will give you the benefits. All those nuts that have salt or different flavors defeat the purpose and benefit of the nut itself.  The one thing to watch out for is the amount you eat, though they are good for you they are high in calories. So just about a handful will do if you are replacing the nuts for more saturated fat foods.  


Enjoy some nuts,  

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Who says Vitamin C only comes from oranges anymore? There are so many green leafy vegetables that offer not only vitamin C but also A and K, among other things! You can get a lot of great nutrients from just adding these simple and delicious foods into your daily meals. There are so many options of greens that I am sure everyone can find one that fits their taste.

    Iceberg lettuce can be known as the “starter green” because it is mostly water it has a very bland taste that many people can adapt with any flavor they want.

    Broccoli is probably the one green everyone has eaten, but it does not count when it’s smothered in high sodium take out meal. Just steaming them and having a yogurt dip, or in salads is a great way to eat them and get all their benefits!

    Popeye had the right idea eating all that spinach. It is mild in flavor and so easy to add into soups or stews and who knew that you get more of the nutrition when it’s cooked rather than raw!

    Kale has to be my new favorite vegetable, and also one of the best ones for you! Kale does have a stronger taste then many other greens but when you cook it right it is just so good. I sauté it with garlic olive oil and a little water then add some balsamic vinegar at the end and it is delicious and easy!

I encourage you to go to your local grocery store and pick up a new leafy green to try with dinner this week!

Live healthy,

Monday, January 16, 2012

Quinoa Salad

As promised I am posting the recipe for Quinoa Salad that I tried out today for the first time and it was a HIT!!

Ingredient List
~ 1 red pepper
~ 1 cup quinoa
~ 1 1/2 cup water
~ 1/2 cup chopped cilantro
~ 1/2 cup chopped green onion
~ 1/3 cup pine nuts (toasted)

  Cut the red pepper in half vertically, and take out the seeds and membranes, roast in a 425 degree oven for 20-25 minutes on foil, when the pepper is dark and blistered take it out and carefully wrap the foil around it. This is so the skin is easy to peal off. After about 30 minutes peal the skin off and cut into small strips.
    Rinse quinoa with cold water and drain. Then put it and the water in a saucepan and bring to a boil, then turn down the stove and let it simmer for 30 minutes. When it is done let it cool for another 20-30 minutes.
   After the quinoa is cooled mix cilantro, green onion, pine nuts and red pepper together in a bowl.

~ 3 tablespoons lime juice
~ 2 tablespoon olive oil
~ 2 cloves garlic (minced)
~ 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper
Mix all the ingredients together and pour over the salad. (You may add or take away the amounts to the dressing to your taste)

I hope you enjoy the salad as much as we did!!

Bon Appetit

Whole Grains

       How many people see "whole grains" and think of wheat, like wheat bread or pasta? Its okay, I used to think the same thing! That is until I went through my certification program and it opened the door to a whole world of food I really knew nothing about!! Their are so many more options to having whole grains that are so much better for you than just wheat.

Cornmeal(also known as polenta)
Wild rice
Brown rice 

These are just to name a few. There are so many benefits to eating these options more than refined grains, for example reduced risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke and not to mention it helps better maintain your weight.  If these benefits are not enough to get you excited to trying a new grain, maybe like me, out of pure curiosity you want to see what they taste like! I have tried buckwheat, bulgar and brown rice. Today I will be experimenting with Quinoa (check back for recipe!!)

Try something new,

Friday, January 13, 2012

Water, Water, Water

     Drinking water has to be the most important thing I can tell ANYONE! Not only because its good for you, but your body is 75% water, and your brain is 85% water. When your bodies cells are starved of water they "complain" and start to set up adverse reactions for example, you can get headaches, muscle aches dehydration and lack of energy just to name a few.  I know it seems like common sense, but if you really put the effort into thinking about what you drink in a day you might be surprised, some people can go a whole day and not drink water!

If drinking more water seems like a hard task try to add one water bottle in at a time. Also I have heard people say they don't like the taste of water, try adding a little lemon/lime or orange(fresh of course) into the water.  I am not saying only drink water all day everyday, I too like my cup of coffee or soda so I tell myself I get one free pass everyday, that's one thing to drink a day that is not water after that one thing...only water!

Also their are different ways to use water in more therapeutic ways. Showers for starters, the temperature of the water can help your skin, if you like a hot shower (like myself) take your shower like normal then the last minute or so turn it as cold as you can handle it and see how different your skin is after a week.  Other things would be, relaxing baths, a whirl pool, hot springs and steam rooms/saunas.

Enjoy a glass of water!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

All About Me

Hello!! My name is Nadia Wasef, I am a Certified Health Coach and was trained in more than one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. I have always had a great desire to help people in any way that I can. I am here to provide information, support and guidance into the life you always dreamed to live, and make the choices that will help improve your life and the lives you effect everyday. I am motivated to make people the whole person they aspire to be because with a little help everyone can make it to the top of their personal mountain.

"At the center or your being you have the answer; you know who you are and what you want" Lao Tzu