Sunday, January 29, 2012


   There are so many great ways to replace some, not so healthy foods with things that are better for you. It can  be easy and fun too! I can not tell people enough to just have fun with food, try new things, replace things, and eat with an open mind.

   How many times do you just want a quick snack or have people come over in short notice, you need something to eat fast. It is always easy to just pull out a bag of chips or something out of the freezer. My go to snack or appetizer is chips and dip, I love salsa's, guacamole, hummus you name it! My first replacement comes from that love, instead of chips how about some veggies, and I'm not just talking about carrot or celery sticks(though there is nothing wrong with that), today for example I made a  guacamole salsa and I served it with sweet peppers. Which are just the perfect size for dipping!

   Next a good and easy thing that can be replaced is sugar, with Agave Nectar or honey. Agave Nectar is an all natural sweetener that comes in different "shades" or strengths, from light to dark. It can be used to cook with and it is also easy to sweeten hot and cold drinks because it is a little thinner then honey. I love to put it in coffee because it does not have as strong a taste as honey.

   Finally try replacing white rice or pasta with a new whole grain. Start small just try brown rice or whole grain pasta. Then you can branch out and try something like quinoa, that cooks just like rice and can be eaten in the same kind of dishes. As I stated in my Whole Grains post there are so many benefits to whole grains and just trying them.

Enjoy something new,

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