Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dairy/Lactose Sensitivity

   There is a lot of information out there when I was trying to do some research on diary sensitivities. The first thing I want to make sure people know is the difference between sensitivity and an allergy. Please check with a doctor if when you have dairy products you get hives or some kind of rash, experience vomiting or wheezing and coughing. As those are allergy symptoms and dairy should more than likely be avoided. When people have dairy sensitivity it is the lactose, or sugars, in dairy products that they most likely cannot digest, this is why many people feel gassy or have stomach problems after eating dairy.

   Having a dairy sensitivity does not mean you have to completely stop eating dairy, you might just have to modify the kind you have or how you eat them. The first thing that I kept seeing everywhere is to not eat dairy alone, I know this can be hard for people like me who love cheese and could just eat it right out of the fridge. Try having cheese with crackers or in dishes. The next thing was that yogurt is one of the easiest dairy products for the body to digest because of the live active cultures that break down lactose; I would suggest starting with yogurt when you want to try and reintroduce or revamp how you eat dairy. Having yogurt with granola is how I really got into eating more yogurt.  The last suggestion I have would be to choose from natural cheeses such as, Cheddar, Colby, Parmesan and Swiss as these have very little lactose in them.

   Below you will find some alternative sources of calcium, if you want to make sure you are getting calcium but want to try and stay away from the traditional sources.  Also some substitutes for dairy products.

Sources of Calcium (non-dairy)                                      Dairy Substitutes

Spinach                                                                           Soy

Figs                                                                                 Almond

Sesame Seeds                                                               Coconut

Sardines                                                                          Rice

Soybeans                                                   (these are mostly in the form of milk products, ice

Dark Leafy Greens                                     cream and yogurt)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Spaghetti Squash

   Here is another great and healthy recipe to keep you on track and maybe try something new. I made this for the first time yesterday and it might be my new favorite thing! Also the spaghetti squash is just as versatile as regular pasta but MUCH healthier. Enjoy

Spaghetti Squash

~ 1 Spaghetti Squash (or as many as you need for the number of people eating, one was more than enough for my roommate and I)
Cut the squash in half, long ways, scrape out the seeds and drizzle with olive oil. Then sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast in a 375 degree over for an hour and a half (times depend on oven)


~ 1 can diced tomatoes

~ ½ onion

~ 1 clove garlic

~ 1 cup sausage (any kind you like)

~ 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning (spices)

~ Salt and pepper to taste

~ Pinch of sugar (that’s to take the acidity out to the can tomatoes)

~ Dash cayenne pepper *optional*

Sauté onions and garlic in a pot until soft then add sausage, cook for about 5 minutes. Add tomatoes and sugar boil for another 5 minutes. Add the Italian seasoning, salt and pepper and cayenne lover the heat to a simmer until you are ready to use. (Sauce only takes about 15 minutes)

*I suggest roasting the squash the day before if you are in a pinch for time

**Plan accordingly when making sauce and roasting all on the same day.

Live Healthy,

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


      Everyone needs a little motivation, especially when we are trying to make some tough changes in our lives. Changing how we eat and our life styles is nothing easy and this week I am here to offer you the motivation to keep going!  Everyone knows the phrase “age is only a number” or “you are as young as you feel” I believe the same can be said for your weight and how you feel about yourself. I know there are people out there who will disagree with me, but I think if you are eating healthy and getting some kind of physical activity but the scale might not be reflecting that, there is nothing to be upset about.  If you FEEL good and better then you have in a long time you are doing the right things!  You will see the results soon enough, maybe it’s in the way your clothes fit, or you might just notice that you don’t eat as much as you use to before getting full those are great places to be when trying to change eating habits. Sometimes we might slip up and eat things that are not necessarily good for us, and THAT’S OK! There is no need to beat yourself up about having a slip up; it’s about knowing when you did and not to just continue eating that way.  With that being said let me tell you, you are doing a great job, keep it up!! 

Here are some helpful quotes and links to help on the journey!

"At the center or your being you have the answer; you know who you are and what you want" -Lao Tzu

Live Healthy,


Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snack Attack

     Everyone loves to have some snacks every now and then.  You might be watching a movie, hanging with friends, or maybe lunch was not as filling as you thought. Before I get to my suggestions let me say that there is nothing wrong with having a bag of chips or cupcake if you don’t make a habit or eating those every day.  Snacking is fine if you do it mindfully and make the right choices. There are plenty of great choices out there that can make snacking guilt free.  The obvious choices would be fruits and vegetables.  Which are GREAT choices, but sometimes we are craving things that are salty or sweet and that’s where I want to help you make the better choices.  

Sweet Options::
Fruit with whipped cream

Celery, banana or apples with peanut butter
Baked or sautéed cinnamon apples or pears (honey and cinnamon is all you need)
Dark Chocolate (has to be dark, they have some really good dark chocolate covered nuts out there)

Salty Options::

Roasted, unsalted nuts
Homemade popcorn (so many flavors to try when you make it yourself)

Vegetables with hummus
Edamame (soy beans) they can be eaten raw right out the pods or you can roast them off to make a crunchy snack.

Kale chips(my personal favorite) I find that the pre-packaged kale makes for crispier chips, just toss with olive oil and your favorite spices place in the oven for about 15 minutes, checking frequently, until they are crisp. **Be careful there is a fine line between done and burnt**

I hope these options open your eyes to all the great possibilities out there for your next snack. Also to help you think outside the box next time you want a snack!

          Live Healthy,