Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Disturbing News

      The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has just come out with all their new information and studies from 2013, about how the health/nutrition of Americans is declining. They came out with obesity prevalence maps (link below) that shows how the states fair in terms of obesity.  The fact that no state has less than 20% prevalence of obesity is scary to see.  The numbers only go up when we talk about minorities in this country. The US is starting to surpass many other countries in the obesity game and it is not good, we need to do better! We need to teach our kids (and families) better habits and start to make changes that will help these numbers go down.  Another staggering fact that the CDC also found was that women’s waist lines are growing more than men’s and faster.  The main reason this is so important is because added weight to your waist line can directly affect your risk for heart disease.

      I personally believe this is from the more sedentary and less movement life we now have come accustom to. Fast food is the norm, and eating it in the car or in front of the TV. is not uncommon. These numbers can change, if we start NOW and get the whole family involved in the kitchen and playing outside. As I have stated before, for the first time kids today are said to live shorter lives then there parents! If someone told you, you could save your life, your child’s life and the lives of your family members wouldn’t you do everything you could! These things can so easily be changed if we make a little extra time to making easy healthy meals and doing fun active things (with your children if you have them). This matter is something we need to be passionate about because it is slowly and unknowingly harming (and even killing) people everywhere! Let’s start a new trend to change these numbers and help ourselves and our youth live LONGER, HAPPIER and BETTER lives. 
Live Healthy,
CDC Maps

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Apple Crisp

    With my post from last week being about apples, and how readily available and how cheap they are I thought I would share one of my favorite apple recipes. This is a great alternative to apple pie.
6 apples diced ( red delicious or granny smith work best)
2 table spoons cinnamon sugar (1 tablespoon of eat)
3/4 cup quick cook oats (plain)
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1 tablespoon sugar
2 tablespoons butter (cubed small)
-In a large bowl add the cut and cored apples with the cinnamon sugar mix and coat all the apples.
-Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees
-Place apples in a baking dish
-In a small bowl mix together the oats, flour, cinnamon and sugar.
-Put all the topping on the apples evenly
-Scatter the butter pieces around the top of the topping
-Cook for 40 minutes, uncovered
**Add homemade whip cream or frozen yogurt to make it even better** 
I hope this easy and healthy recipe becomes a staple in your home like it has in mine!
Live Healthy,

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

An Apple A Day Theory

     Everyone knows the phrase “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” the question is, is it true? Can eating an apple every day, make you less sick? The good news is that apples have A LOT of healthy properties, Pectin (a form of fiber that lowers glucose in the body), Boron (helps with bone strength and brain health), Vitamin C (boosts your immune system) and Phytonutrients (fight damage from free radicals in the body). Eating one apple everyday can reduce the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and a lot of types of cancers.  Needless to say a long with the nutrients in apples and those benefits, you should try to eat an apple every day.  

      With that being said, this does not mean that apples should be the only fruit you eat, many fruits have great benefits. Also this also does not mean you will not ever get sick (with colds and things like that) you can just lower the risks. So go enjoy an apple today!

**Apples are in season now so pick some up at the store, or make a day of it and go apple picking with some loved ones!**

Live Healthy, 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Meatless Monday

     “Meatless Monday” is a movement that started in 2003 with help from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. It is a global movement to get people to not eat meat on Mondays. As stated on their website “Skipping meat one day a week is good for you, great for your nation’s health and fantastic for the planet”
       I agree with this movement. I feel like a lot of people rely on meat for their full meal to work, after all we are a very meat and potatoes kind of nation.  I feel if we are challenged to not eat meant one day a week you will not only discover a whole world of food out there, but also ones you will like! I am not a huge fan of red meat, but I need my chicken, and I know I’m not alone in that, bit I challenge you to have a meatless day in your week and see how it goes (comment below on how you did).

I have added the link to the offical site so you can get recipies and more information.

Live Healthy,

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

What's in Season

      I provided a list in the spring of the fruits and vegetables that were in season and I got a lot of thanks for doing so, now that fall is coming upon us (way to fast). I am providing you with a list of foods that are in season in the fall. It is important to know what is in season so you can buy what is cheaper and what will also makes your meals taste better!

Bok Choy
Passion Fruit
Brussels Sprouts
Snow Peas
Sweet Potatoes

I hope you will not only buy what is on the list that you like, but also try something new on the list as well.

Live Healthy,