Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Stay Warm This Season

     As it starts to get cold out, I’m always looking for ways to stay warm. As someone who is always cold I love to drink something warm to really make me loose that chill from the inside out! I have come up with some options that are healthy and have some good health benefits as well.

Coffee— Now when I say coffee I am not talking about a cup with so much creamer and sugar that the coffee is a distant memory. I mean a cup of black coffee or with just one spoon of low calorie sweetener. Coffee had been known to lower the risk for type II diabetes, make you smarter and improve your overall brain health and it is full of nutrients and antioxidants like potassium, manganese, riboflavin and many B vitamins.

Tea— Green, black, white and oolong are the only true varieties of tea out there. Herbal “teas” are infused with many other plants and things that take them away from being actual tea and the benefits of drinking true tea. Tea can reduce the risk of heart attacks and improve cardiovascular health. The antioxidants in tea can help prevent many, many types of cancers. Green tea has been said to improve bone density and strength. Tea has been around for many years and the benefits are proven in many different cultures and countries.

Apple Cider— Homemade apple cider is just cooked apples that are then pressed to get the juice/liquid out and then cooked again (no sugar added). From my previous post we all know how good for you apples are so a nice cup of hot apple cider is almost as good for you as having an apple.

Infused water—The new trend seems to be adding fruits, vegetables and mint to your water (which does have great health benefits). Why not do the same with hot water, boil a cup of water and squeeze in some lemon, lime or orange juice into it, add some mint leaves also if you’d like. It is just as good as having it cold, but it will keep you warm through the winter.

     So this fall/winter, curl up with loved ones, a good book or move and something hot and healthy to drink and stay warm.

Live Healthy,

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