Tuesday, November 18, 2014

You Can Do It!!

     I want to take a little time today to give you all a push of motivation. As it gets cold outside and into winter most people start to lose the motivation to eat healthy and exercise. With the holidays that all fall in this time of the year, and all the crazy amounts of food, we need to keep our wellbeing in the forefront of our minds.  We always are thinking of something or someone else at this time, what gifts am I going to get the family, where are we spending the holidays and if you travel out of your area, forget about it! Stress is at an all-time high. This is the hardest time to practice good eating habits and like I said exercise.

     I encourage you to make an effort to think about what you are putting into your body this holiday season, starting with Thanksgiving maybe don’t fill your plate all the way, have a little bit and see how you feel after 15 minutes if you are still hungry go back for a little more.  Another good trick, eat SLOWLY, I know we all have waited all day to eat that Thanksgiving meal, but try to slow down and not stuff your face all at once.  

     As for exercise, I know its cold outside but there are ways around that. If you are going to the mall to get some shopping done (and who isn’t) before you allow yourself in the stores walk two full laps around the mall (or store) then begin actually shopping.  I am sure with children this may be difficult but have them walk with you, or make a game out of raking leaves (biggest pile wins!).

     Ideas like these can help you stay less stressed and still enjoy this holiday season.  I hope you take some time to think about yourself this crazy time of the year!

Live Healthy,

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Smoothie Craze

      Everyone has heard of or tried a smoothie “diet”. I thought I would take time to talk about this trend and also give my suggestions.
      I believe smoothies are a great way to get lots of nutrients and vitamins. I would not go longer than two days with just smoothies; your body needs more than just that. I personally like to recommend one meal replacement a day with a smoothie. I think it also needs to be said that you don’t need any fancy equipment to make one just throw everything in your regular blended and go.

When making smoothies there are four things that I always put in mine
-A green: spinach, kale, spring mix
-Flax Seed
- Fruits (whatever kind you like)
-Liquid (water or sugar free cranberry juice)

One of my favorite kinds of smoothie has a cup of spinach, half a cup of both strawberry and mango, tablespoon of flax seed and enough water to make it the consistency I like. Smoothies are very personal to your taste. So the best thing to do is get ingredients you like and try them out to find out the combinations you like.  I learned that I do not like blueberries in my smoothies, but my roommate really likes them in hers. Smoothies are great to experiment with. I hope you will try some out and enjoy mixing and matching!

Live Healthy,

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Gluten Free

     It seems like lately everything/everyone in the health world has had something to say about gluten free foods/diets. Having a gluten free diet is not really something new, people who have Celiac Disease have had to follow this diet to avoid getting sick. Those who suffer from celiac disease cannot absorb parts of food due to the damage it causes in the small intestine. This happens when they eat wheat, barley and rye.

      For many there is no choice but to keep this diet, to others it is just an option to saying healthy or the new fad diet. The big news in this area is that now companies who label there foods as gluten free actually have to prove there is little to no gluten in the food. Previously anyone could just put that “Gluten Free” claim on food labels without proving it, clearly making people sick in the process. I am glad people are actually taking food and health seriously now; I know nutrition is one of the newer health fields but I feel it is just as important as the others.
Live Healthy,