Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Gluten Free

     It seems like lately everything/everyone in the health world has had something to say about gluten free foods/diets. Having a gluten free diet is not really something new, people who have Celiac Disease have had to follow this diet to avoid getting sick. Those who suffer from celiac disease cannot absorb parts of food due to the damage it causes in the small intestine. This happens when they eat wheat, barley and rye.

      For many there is no choice but to keep this diet, to others it is just an option to saying healthy or the new fad diet. The big news in this area is that now companies who label there foods as gluten free actually have to prove there is little to no gluten in the food. Previously anyone could just put that “Gluten Free” claim on food labels without proving it, clearly making people sick in the process. I am glad people are actually taking food and health seriously now; I know nutrition is one of the newer health fields but I feel it is just as important as the others.
Live Healthy,

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