"What can I get you to drink?" Everyone gets asked this question when they go out to eat or at a friends house. Sometimes we don't want yet another glass of water. I am going to provide you with a list of drinks that are on the healthier side, or better alternatives to just sodas or high calorie mixed drinks.
Red Wine (known for helping the heart)
Natural Fruit Juices (no sugar added, homemade)
Regular coffee (in moderation with just milk and a little sugar)
Sparkling water drinks (they have a lot of good flavors now)
Tea (green tea has many health benefits)
Light Beer
Vodka and Scotch (if you want alcohol those two are the ones with the least amount of calories, mix them with low sugar options, such as juices and soda water)
Obviously water is the best option but sometimes that's not what you want or the occasion calls for something else. Hopefully you can make better choices because most people drink a lot of the calories they consume in a day! It is very important to pick your drinks just as wisely as your food!
Live Healthy,