Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Detox Day 2

I am at the end of day 2 of my detox, I can not lie it is HARD! It might be because it is just day 2 and my body is going through a little bit of a shock, but I really did not think it would be this hard to do a 7 day detox. Today for example, I felt like I was constantly hungry (not starving) through the day and by dinner time I had a horrible headache. I am trying to work out the kinks and know that I can eat a lot more fruits during the day. I hope it gets easier.

I know everyone wants to hear how great this process is for me, and though I am seeing some of the benefits already I can not lie and say its great and that I love it. I love food, healthy food and some not so healthy, and to be so restricted is not easy, but I am getting the hang of it, and well its only 7 days! I can do it!!!

Live Healthy,

Monday, February 27, 2012


Detox Day 1

This week I, along with my mother, are doing a 7 day detox. There are so many reasons to do a detox, to help in a weight loss rut, cleanse the body, or just p start yourself into a healthy eating change just to name a few. For me I am trying to help my weight loss and also cleanse the body. My mother was more than excited to do the detox with me, which is a great tip, find someone to do things with you so you can share the struggles and the joys, and someone who you can eat with and share recipes with does not hurt either!

I did my research before hand and there are many different detox options. Some you can eat sea food, the one I am doing as you can see you cannot, but you can have SEA salt, where some you cannot. I feel like this is something you can adapt to your lifestyle, as long as you follow the basic “rules” no meat, refined grains, artificial sugars and caffeine.

Live Healthy,

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Portobello Mushroom “Burger”

These “burgers”  are a great way to have the burger effect but also being a little healthier. Try them out!
     - 1 Mushroom cap per person

     - 2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce

     - Salt and Pepper

 Clean the mushrooms with a damp cloth, place them in a bowl and season with salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce and let sit.

Heat up pan (or outside grill) add oil and cook about 3 minutes on each side, on medium heat.

Then top as you would any burger. I put blue cheese crumbles on mine when it was still in the pan (on the side where the stem comes out) and cover it to let it melt. Of course use any cheese you like though.

Then add lettuce, tomatoes, or onions, they would all be good.

Live Healthy,

Monday, February 13, 2012

Eating Out

     Who doesn’t love to eat out every once and a while, I mean you don't have to prep anything, there is no argument on who has to clean up after, and yes frankly it’s just easier! Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying to go out every day, but on special occasions why not, right? Well I am here to offer you some tips so that when you do go out to eat you can still be healthy.

     First, make a conscious effort to pick a place that offers healthy options, and then go on-line and look up the nutritional facts on the restaurants website; they are all required to have it. You can see the calorie count, sodium, fat etc. That way you know what to choose from and what to stay away from.

     Next, know the lingo! When you read a menu know what they are talking about(and don’t be afraid to ask your server). For example, breaded or tempura is usually FRIED. Creamy, cream sauce or alfredo is usually with heavy cream and butter! Anything scampi or in a scampi sauce is all butter! We all know what Buffets are comprised of, but no matter how hard we try we always fall into the trap of eating WAY too much, try avoiding buffets all together!

     Finally, some tricks to eating less would be to try and eat half of the meal and take the rest with you for the next day’s lunch or dinner. Also eat a little at the meal before going out to eat, for example if you are going to dinner, make sure you eat lunch so that when you go out you are not starving and eating everything in sight at the restaurant. Along with eating the meal before, eat something small 30 minutes before you go out, like a piece for fruit or a tall glass of water with lemon, again so you are not super hungry at the restaurant.

DO NOT forget that Alcohol counts! They are calories you need to factor in if you know you want a glass of wine or a cocktail with dinner.

There are some simple things to think about at the drive through as well, Supersized/value size( STAY AWAY, more food=more calories/fat), Salt(drive through restaurants are known for high sodium foods), Bacon(salty and just adds more fat)
Live Healthy,

Monday, February 6, 2012

Stuffed Sweet Peppers

       I am always looking for new ways to incorporate vegetables into my diets, especially ones that I don’t necessarily prefer (like peppers for example). I came up with this idea because salsa is actually healthy, with most brands being about 10 calories for 2 tablespoons, and no fat! I made this easy appetizer for the super bowl yesterday and my family LOVED IT!!

Stuffed Sweet Peppers


1 Block Cream Cheese

1 Jar of salsa (any brand you like)

Bag of Sweet Peppers


Let the cream cheese soften on the counter for about 30 minutes so it is easy to mix.

Drain most of the “water” from the salsa and in a bowl mix the salsa and the softened cream cheese, put it in the refrigerator to get firm again.

Wash and cut the sweet peppers in half the long way (take out any seeds there may be)

When the cheese has firmed a little add it to each pepper half about a teaspoon of the cheese mixture

Bake in the oven, on a cooling rack over a cookie sheet, for about 20 minutes to roast the peppers slightly.

  I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
