Tuesday, July 29, 2014


     Many people have heard of antioxidants but how many people actually know the effects of eating them, and how much it can help your body. Research has shown that many newly common diseases including, diabetes, high blood pressure, infertility, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's have been associated with tissue deficiency,  caused by low dietary levels of antioxidants. To be technical antioxidants are substances which prevent deterioration, damage, or destruction caused by oxidation in the body. The body produces antioxidants naturally but eating foods with them in it can help to boost that process a lot. Some of those foods include, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and while grains. 

 -Vitamin A (bata-carotene) found in orange and dark green fruits and vegetables
-Vitamin C found in fruits and vegetables
-Vitamin E found in cereals and seeds
-Selenium and Zinc found in nuts, seeds and seafood

      These are all foods we should be eating already but if not try to add them into your diet because they have so many health benefits. Also eating some of the foods raw(uncooked), for example apples, grapes and mushrooms, will benefit you more because you don't cook out the enzymes in the food that the body needs. 
     These are all things to think about when you are trying to improve your overall health and the health of your family. Especially if you have family history of some of the health issues I listed above why not add some foods into your diet that can combat them now! 

Live Healthy, 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Think and Act Like a Slim Person

     People who are slim have many attributes that we can learn from. If you start to think like them you can soon see healthier habits form in your own life that will soon stick. I have written the three that I think most effect your health and weight.

First, eat more good quality foods. Eat the right balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Also eat only when you are hungry, and get in tune with your body to know when you are full and should stop eating.

Second, burn fat through exercise. Get out and get moving, do exercises that help you breath better and increase your oxygen levels. Slim people are always ready to get up and get moving.

Lastly, minimize obsessions with food. Meaning, if you are going eat at someone's house don't stress over not being able to find something in your healthy pattern of eating, it may not be available, it's ok. That can cause stress and slowing of your metabolism. If you are eating healthy and balanced most of the time, having the occasional "unhealthy" food should not be a big deal and will not hinder your weight loss or healthy habits. 

I believe if you start to change the way you think you will see your body and emotions start to follow in line with how you are thinking. I think staying positive is a big key, know you are doing your best and that's a great place to be. With that I challenge you all to think more positively and like a slim person. 

Live Healthy, 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

My Theory on B.M.I

      Body mass index or BMI is a way to measure your body fat percentage. The general rule, according to the CDC, of BMI is anything below 18.5 is considered underweight, between 18.5 and 24.9 is normal, 25.0-29.9 is overweight and 30.0 and above is obese. You use a formula that is; weight/hight in inches(squared) x703.  There are many calculators that can do that for you on-line. 

     Now that all the numbers are out of the way. Let me give you my theory on BMI. I do not believe it is the best tool to use. There are a lot of factors that are not taken into account with BMI, for example muscle mass, a person that lifts weights and looks to be in great shape could come up with a BMI in the overweight or even obese section because of all the muscle mass that they have. I am not saying it's not a good guide but I would not use it as a constant tool in your journey to a healthier you. I know I could stand to lose a couple pounds, but going off the BMI scale I am overweight. I don't feel like I am, and to give people such a big perception of themselves I don't think it correct. I would much rather have someone tell me "I feel better then I have in a long time"  over the scale or BMI numbers going down. I think going off of what your body feels and what makes you feel better and happy is the best scale there is.

Live Healthy, 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Stir Fry

     This is one of my favorite vegetable dishes to make. I have made it with just vegetables, and also with chicken,it's super easy and super good! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. 

1 small head of broccoli (cut into florets) 
3 carrots (cut and par-boiled) 
1 medium onion
1/2 red and yellow peppers (cut into strips)
1 cup cut mushrooms
1 cup snap peas or green beans
4 cloves of garlic (minced) 
3 tablespoons soy sauce (more if you'd like) 

Cut everything into about the same size pieces.
Boil the cut carrots and broccoli for 15 minutes. In a large sauté pan add a a tablespoon of oil, half the onions and garlic until lightly brown. Add peppers and sauté for 10 minutes. Add in soy sauce and all the other vegetables, salt and pepper to taste. Cook everything until soft. 

     The last time I made this I made it with quinoa, but of course brown rice is always a good alternative. Also if you like spicy foods add your favorite hot sauce at the same time as the soy sauce. I hope you enjoy this dish as much as I do!

Live Healthy, 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fight the Bulging Belly

     A lot of people suffer from bulging belly, or if asked most say if they could just get rid of their stomach fat they would be happy (myself included). Belly fat is known to be one of the most dangerous places to store fat; it leads to high blood sugar levels, blood pressure and cholesterol. I have provided some foods to help slim down your belly and some to avoid do you don't add extra belly fat.

-Refined grains(white rice and pasta)
-Trans fats (foods with them in it)
-Foods high in saturated fats(full fat dairy, cheese, fatty meats)
-Sugary foods
-Salty foods
-Creamy foods(ice cream, dressings)
-Sugary drinks
-Apple cider vinegar
-Whole grains
-Unsweetened oatmeal
-Egg whites
-Flax seed
-Black berries
-Natural peanut butter

     Along with these foods try to reduce stress, it makes you crave high calorie foods. Get a good amount or aerobic exercise into your weekly routine. Together all of these should help you see a reduction in your mid-section and a spike in your mood!

Live Healthy,