Tuesday, July 29, 2014


     Many people have heard of antioxidants but how many people actually know the effects of eating them, and how much it can help your body. Research has shown that many newly common diseases including, diabetes, high blood pressure, infertility, cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's have been associated with tissue deficiency,  caused by low dietary levels of antioxidants. To be technical antioxidants are substances which prevent deterioration, damage, or destruction caused by oxidation in the body. The body produces antioxidants naturally but eating foods with them in it can help to boost that process a lot. Some of those foods include, fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and while grains. 

 -Vitamin A (bata-carotene) found in orange and dark green fruits and vegetables
-Vitamin C found in fruits and vegetables
-Vitamin E found in cereals and seeds
-Selenium and Zinc found in nuts, seeds and seafood

      These are all foods we should be eating already but if not try to add them into your diet because they have so many health benefits. Also eating some of the foods raw(uncooked), for example apples, grapes and mushrooms, will benefit you more because you don't cook out the enzymes in the food that the body needs. 
     These are all things to think about when you are trying to improve your overall health and the health of your family. Especially if you have family history of some of the health issues I listed above why not add some foods into your diet that can combat them now! 

Live Healthy, 

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