Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Think and Act Like a Slim Person

     People who are slim have many attributes that we can learn from. If you start to think like them you can soon see healthier habits form in your own life that will soon stick. I have written the three that I think most effect your health and weight.

First, eat more good quality foods. Eat the right balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats. Also eat only when you are hungry, and get in tune with your body to know when you are full and should stop eating.

Second, burn fat through exercise. Get out and get moving, do exercises that help you breath better and increase your oxygen levels. Slim people are always ready to get up and get moving.

Lastly, minimize obsessions with food. Meaning, if you are going eat at someone's house don't stress over not being able to find something in your healthy pattern of eating, it may not be available, it's ok. That can cause stress and slowing of your metabolism. If you are eating healthy and balanced most of the time, having the occasional "unhealthy" food should not be a big deal and will not hinder your weight loss or healthy habits. 

I believe if you start to change the way you think you will see your body and emotions start to follow in line with how you are thinking. I think staying positive is a big key, know you are doing your best and that's a great place to be. With that I challenge you all to think more positively and like a slim person. 

Live Healthy, 

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